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# Utility functions for a Python SSL certificate conversion tool.
# These functions are in this file so the can also be used in
# A web API implementing this tool.
# Author: Tony DiCola, Modified by Noah Koontz
# Dependencies:
# click - Install with 'sudo pip install click' (omit sudo on windows)
# PyOpenSSL - See homepage:
# Should just be a 'sudo pip install pyopenssl' command, HOWEVER
# on Windows you probably need a precompiled binary version. Try
# installing with pip and if you see errors when running that
# OpenSSL can't be found then try installing egenix's prebuilt
# PyOpenSSL library and OpenSSL lib:
# certifi - Install with 'sudo pip install certifi' (omit sudo on windows)
import re
from OpenSSL import SSL, crypto
import socket
import textwrap
import math
import os
CERT_PATTERN = re.compile("^\-\-\-\-\-BEGIN CERTIFICATE\-\-\-\-\-[a-z,A-Z,0-9,\n,\/,+]+={0,2}\n\-\-\-\-\-END CERTIFICATE-\-\-\-\-", re.MULTILINE)
# Default name prefixes for varibles used in the hearder autogeneration
# Autogenerator will follow these names with a number
# e.g. "TA_DN0"
# Distinguished name array prefix
# RSA public key number prefix
# RSA public key exponent prefix
# EC public key number prefix
# EC curve type enum prefix
# CA flag
# Template that defines the C header output format.
# This takes in a few named parameters:
# - guard_name: Unique name to apply to the #ifndef header guard.
# - cert_length_var: Variable/define name for the length of the certificate.
# - cert_length: Length of the certificate (in bytes).
# - cert_var: Variable name for the certificate data.
# - cert_data: Certificate data, formatted as a bearssl trust anchor array
# - cert_description: Any descriptive info about the certs to put in comments.
# NOTE: If you're changing the template make sure to escape all curly braces
# with a double brace (like {{ or }}) or else Python will try to interpret as a
# string format variable.
#ifndef _{guard_name}_H_
#define _{guard_name}_H_
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
/* This file is auto-generated by the pycert_bearssl tool. Do not change it manually.
* Certificates are BearSSL br_x509_trust_anchor format. Included certs:
#define {cert_length_var} {cert_length}
#ifdef __cplusplus
}} /* extern "C" */
#endif /* ifndef _{guard_name}_H_ */
# Template that defines a static array of bytes
# This takes in a few named parameters:
# - ray_type: The type (int, unsigned char) to use for the static array
# - ray_name: The varible name of the static array
# - ray_data: The comma seperated data of the array (ex. "0x12, 0x34, ...")
static const {ray_type} {ray_name}[] = {{
# Template that defines a single root RSA certificate entry in the BearSSL trust
# anchor list
# This takes in a few named parameters:
# - ta_dn_name: The name of the static byte array containing the distunguished
# name of the certificate.
# - rsa_number_name: Varible name of the static array containing the RSA number
# - rsa_exp_name: Varible name of the static array containing the RSA exponent
{{ (unsigned char *){ta_dn_name}, sizeof {ta_dn_name} }},
{{ .rsa = {{
(unsigned char *){rsa_number_name}, sizeof {rsa_number_name},
(unsigned char *){rsa_exp_name}, sizeof {rsa_exp_name},
}} }}
# Template that defines a single root EC certificate entry in the BearSSL trust
# anchor list
# This takes in a few named parameters:
# - ta_dn_name: The name of the static byte array containing the distunguished
# name of the certificate.
# - ec_number_name: Varible name of the static array containing ec public key
# - ec_curve_name: Varible name of the enum that describes curve type
{{ (unsigned char *){ta_dn_name}, sizeof {ta_dn_name} }},
{{ .ec = {{{ec_curve_name}, (unsigned char *){ec_number_name}, sizeof {ec_number_name}}}
# Template that defines a description of the certificate, so that the header
# file can be slightly more human readable
# This takes in a few named parameters:
# - cert_num: The index used to represent the certificate to the computer
# - cert_label: The certificate's name field (Usually CN, in the subject)
# - cert_issue: The certificate's issuer string
# - cert_subject: The certificate's subject string
# - cert_domain: The domains polled by this tool that returned this certificate
* Index: {cert_num}
* Label: {cert_label}
* Subject: {cert_subject}
* Type: {cert_type}"""
def PEM_split(cert_pem):
"""Split a certificate / certificate chain in PEM format into multiple
PEM certificates. This is useful for extracting the last / root PEM cert
in a chain for example. Will return a list of strings with each string
being an individual PEM certificate (including its '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE...'
# Split cert based on begin certificate sections, then reconstruct as an
# array of individual cert strings.
return re.findall(CERT_PATTERN, cert_pem)
def parse_root_certificate_store(store):
"""Parses a list of trusted root certificates, which we
can match to the respective certificates sent from the websites. The where
parameter takes a loaded certificate file (certifi.where()),
and the function returns a list of crypto.x509 objects.
# perform file operations
certStore = PEM_split(
# convert the raw PEM files into x509 object
return [crypto.load_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, pem) for pem in certStore]
def get_server_root_cert(address, port, certDict):
"""Attempt to retrieve the the root certificate in the full SSL cert chain
from the provided server address & port. The certDict parameter should
contain a dictionary of { certificate.get_subject().hash() md5 hash : certificate },
which this function will use to match the certificate chain to a stored root
certificate. This function will return a single certificate as a PyOpenSSL X509
object, or None if the chain couldn't be retrieved for some reason, or the
certDict did not contain a matching certificate.
# Use PyOpenSSL to initiate an SSL connection and get the full cert chain.
# Sadly Python's built in SSL library can't do this so we must use this
# OpenSSL-based library.
cert = None
ctx = SSL.Context(SSL.TLSv1_2_METHOD)
# do the connection, and fetch the cert chain
soc = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
ssl_soc = SSL.Connection(ctx, soc)
ssl_soc.connect((address, port))
ssl_soc.set_tlsext_host_name(bytes(address, "utf8"))
cert = ssl_soc.get_peer_cert_chain()[-1]
# match the certificate in the chain to the respective root certificate using the common name
if cert == None:
print("Failed to fetch certificate on domain: " + address)
return None
cn_hash = cert.get_issuer().hash()
# if there is a respective certificate, return it
# else print an error and return None
if cn_hash not in certDict:
print("Could not find matching root certificate for domain: " + address)
return None
return certDict[cn_hash]
def bytes_to_c_data(mah_bytes, length=None):
"""Converts a byte array to a CSV C array data format, with endlines!
e.g: 0x12, 0xA4, etc.
mah_bytes is the bytearray, and length is the number of bytes to
generate in the array, and indent is how much to indent the output
ret = []
# create an array of byte strings, including an endline every 10 or so bytes
for i, bytestr in enumerate(textwrap.wrap(mah_bytes.hex(), 2)):
ret.append("0x" + bytestr + ", ")
# pad with extra zeros
while length != None and len(ret) < length:
ret.append("0x00, ")
# join, wrap, and return
return textwrap.fill(''.join(ret), width=6*12 + 5, initial_indent=' ', subsequent_indent=' ', break_long_words=False)
def decribe_cert_object(cert, cert_num, domain=None):
Formats a string describing a certificate object, including the domain
being used and the index in the trust anchor array. Cert should be a
x509 object, domain should be a string name, and cert_num should be
an integer.
# get the label from the subject feild on the certificate
label = ""
com = dict(cert.get_subject().get_components())
if b'CN' in com:
label = com[b'CN'].decode("utf-8")
elif b'OU' in com:
label = com[b'OU'].decode("utf-8")
elif b'O' in com:
label = com[b'O'].decode("utf-8")
if cert.get_issuer() == cert.get_subject():
cert_type = "Certificate Authority"
cert_type = "End Entity"
# return the formated string
crypto = cert.to_cryptography()
out_str = CCERT_DESC_TEMPLATE.format(
# if domain, then add domain entry
if domain is not None:
out_str += "\n * Domain(s): " + domain
return out_str
def x509_to_header(x509Certs, cert_var, cert_length_var, output_file, keep_dupes, domains=None):
"""Combine a collection of PEM format certificates into a single C header with the
combined cert data in BearSSL format. x509Certs should be a list of pyOpenSSL x590 objects,
domains should be a list of respective domain strings (in same order as x509Certs),
cert_var controls the name of the cert data variable in the output header, cert_length_var
controls the name of the cert data length variable/define, output is the output file
(which must be open for writing). Keep_dupes is a boolean to indicate if duplicate
certificates should be left intact (true) or removed (false).
cert_description = ''
certs = x509Certs
# Save cert data as a C style header.
# start by building each component
cert_data = ""
# hold an array of static array strings (TA_RSA_N)
static_arrays = list()
# same with CA entries
CAs = list()
# descriptions
cert_desc = list()
# track the serial numbers so we can find duplicates
cert_ser = list()
for i, cert in enumerate(certs):
# calculate the index shifted from duplicates (if any)
cert_index = len(CAs)
# deduplicate certificates
if not keep_dupes and cert.get_serial_number() in cert_ser:
# append the domain we used it for into the cert description
if domains is not None:
cert_desc[cert_ser.index(cert.get_serial_number())] += ", " + domains[i]
# we don't need to generate stuff for this certificate
# record the serial number for later
# add a description of the certificate to the array
if domains is None:
cert_desc.append(decribe_cert_object(cert, cert_index))
cert_desc.append(decribe_cert_object(cert, cert_index, domain=domains[i]))
# detect if the cert is a CA
is_ca = cert.get_issuer() == cert.get_subject()
# build static arrays containing all the keys of the certificate
# start with distinguished name
# get the distinguished name in bytes
dn_bytes_str = bytes_to_c_data(cert.get_subject().der())
ray_type="unsigned char",
ray_name=DN_PRE + str(cert_index),
# next, the RSA public numbers
pubkey = cert.get_pubkey()
numbers = pubkey.to_cryptography_key().public_numbers()
numbers_typename = type(numbers).__name__
if 'RSA' in numbers_typename:
# starting with the modulous
n_bytes_str = bytes_to_c_data(numbers.n.to_bytes(pubkey.bits() // 8, byteorder="big"))
ray_type="unsigned char",
ray_name=RSA_N_PRE + str(cert_index),
# and then the exponent
e_bytes_str = bytes_to_c_data(numbers.e.to_bytes(math.ceil(numbers.e.bit_length() / 8), byteorder="big"))
ray_type="unsigned char",
ray_name=RSA_E_PRE + str(cert_index),
# format the root certificate entry
ta_dn_name=DN_PRE + str(cert_index),
ca_flag=CA_FLAG if is_ca else "0",
rsa_number_name=RSA_N_PRE + str(cert_index),
rsa_exp_name=RSA_E_PRE + str(cert_index)))
elif 'Elliptic' in numbers_typename:
# starting with the modulous
curve_bytes = b'\x04' + numbers.x.to_bytes(pubkey.bits() // 8, byteorder="big") + numbers.y.to_bytes(
pubkey.bits() // 8, byteorder="big")
curve_str = bytes_to_c_data(curve_bytes)
curve_name =
ray_type="unsigned char",
ray_name=EC_CURVE_PRE + str(cert_index),
# and then the exponent
ta_dn_name=DN_PRE + str(cert_index),
ca_flag=CA_FLAG if is_ca else "0",
ec_number_name=EC_CURVE_PRE + str(cert_index),
ec_curve_name=EC_CURVE_NAME_PRE + curve_name
raise Exception(f'Unknown public key type {numbers_typename}')
# concatonate it all into the big header file template
# cert descriptions
cert_desc_out = '\n * \n'.join(cert_desc)
# static arrays
cert_data_out = '\n\n'.join(static_arrays)
cert_data_out += '\n\n' + CRAY_TEMPLATE.format(
# create final header file
return len(cert_ser)